Monday, October 3, 2011

Manic Monday

We are having a beautiful fall day here in MN - I hope you are as well! The sun is shining the leaves are starting to turn to gorgeous hues of red and orange, and the temperature is in the 70's and it is expected to stay this way all week! I love fall!

Menu for the Week

Monday:Turkey Soup, using the leftover bones of the Turkey Dinner last week - I am really excited to try this. I will share the results later this week. But, I can say that the kitchen already smells wonderful!   

Tuesday:Orzo Italiano

Wednesday: Turkey Enchiladas

Thursday: Leftoves

Friday-Sunday: We are headed out of town for our last camping trip of the season! I have not worked out the menu for the weekend camping trip, for we are going with some great friends of ours. I am thinking though that we will have our new found favorite on Saturday night though, Creole made from scratch with a Cornmeal crusted topping made over the open campfire.

To-Do-List for the Week:
Well, my great idea of trying to use this list as accountability, did not work, but, hey we are all imperfect - right! :-)
We seemed to have a lot of things going on each day last week, and than I ended up being spontaneous this past weekend, which I will share about tomorrow, so needless to say though not a lot was accomplished off of the list.  

1. Make a schedule for the week, what I am going to work on each day - Life is getting busier in a good way but I want to stay on top of things, and I do not want to have another day like last Monday, where I had to much to do because I did not schedule things/even things out throughout the week.This did not happen last week, but I hope to start on it this afternoon.

2. Read one book to Little Might everyday. I need to become better at this. We got three reading times in last week.

3. Decide on one book that I am going to begin reading and take time to read it everyday. I love to read, but I have realized that I am not taking time each day to read like I should. I am still working on this one! I do think though that in honor of her feast day that we just celebrated on Saturday, I should continue reading "Story of a Soul - The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux"

4. Create lesson plans for next week, I would like to get a few weeks ahead.

5. Finish the My Publisher Photo-book. I accomplished this, granted it needed to be done though the deadline was last week. 

I don't think I will add anything else to this list, I really would like to get the other four accomplished, so that might be enough.

Now we will see how I do, and I will give up-dates next Monday if not sooner.

St. Therese of Lisieux, Pray for Us! 


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