Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I am by far not a spontaneous person, I would rather have things scheduled, organized, and planned, but sometimes life just does not happen that way. Last weekend was one of those occasions.

Mr. T was going to be spending the weekend working on the bathroom, we are in the process of remodeling and he is doing it all himself. I know that I did not want to be in the house, somethings are just better not to be around for. So originally my plan was for Little Might and I to go up to my folks for the weekend, than I found out that they were not going to be around, so plan B was to stay away for Saturday going and looking at some fall colors along the river with some friends, that did not work out either.

So Saturday morning came along and I did not have concrete plans yet that would keep Little Might and I away for the whole day. I could see the writing on the wall, it was not pretty. I know that the more time Mr. T had the more he would be able to get done, and that the house would be chaotic, loud, and dirty and dusty throughout it all. So I knew that Little Might and I needed to get out of the house...fast...

So I called up my mom and told her that we were going camping with them. So that is exactly what Little Might and I did. We got in the car and drove 2 hours to WI to where they were and had a GREAT time.

The weather was beautiful, the fall colors were gorgeous, and the time with my parents was awesome. It was seriously a great weekend and I am so happy that I decided to take the short road trip to see them.

So here is to a little spontaneity.  


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