Monday, November 14, 2011

Manic Monday

It's Monday!

For me, it is a very very tired Monday, but this is totally due to my own doing's or possibly that of Mr. T's. See we went out last night, which yes, would be great on any number of level's except we were really really spontaneous, ambitious, or maybe just plain crazy. We went to the Guns N Roses concert last night. Yes, I was at a Gun N Roses concert more people than not have had a good laugh at this. I do actually enjoy their music i.e. November Rain, Knocking on Heavens Door, Paradise City, and I still classify them as "Classic Rock" NOT "Hard Rock" even though I did have my doubts last night.

How did this all come about? Well, it was actually a very "Frugal" find. A Groupon came through late last week. I knew that Mr. T had wanted to go to the concert but we can not afford nor would we pay $60 + per ticket. So when I saw the Groupon I knew that I needed to tell him so I forwarded him the email and waited for his response. Well, he replied by saying I'm totally on board. Well, for me that did not mean stopping what I was doing and paying $50 for tickets. So I waited till he got home and he asked so do you have the tickets. Well, that sent the night into the direction of getting tickets and finding a babysitter, for the night! We owe some friends of our dearly. 

Non-the-less onto the Manic Monday dealings and I will share more about the concert tomorrow their definitely more stories to be told.

Monday: Leftovers, I am not going to try to make anything elaborate, plus the big game is on tonight.
Tuesday: I think we are going out tonight, if we decide to just go for dessert or drinks than, we will just have something fast and easy here at home, i.e. sandwiches.
Wednesday: Chorizo, Eggs, and Cheese with soft shelled tacos - this never happened last week.
Thursday: Patty Melts and Sweat Potato fries.
Friday: Tuna Melts
Saturday: We will be at some friends house for dinner.

To-Do-List for the Week:
1. Make a schedule for the week, what I am going to work on each day - I have a daily schedule worked out which is helpful to at least have on paper, I would like to iron out what I will focus on each day as far as blogging, RCIA, or home-school lesson plans. This I believe will help me in accomplishing #4.

2. Read one book to Little Might everyday. This one is working very well, I read to Little Might just about every day last week during the week. - Still working great.

3. Decide on one book that I am going to begin reading and take time to read it everyday. I love to read, but I have realized that I am not taking time each day to read like I should. I am still working on this one - I need to really decide on a book and commit to it, I am having a hard time with this. I now though, have my very own reading corner, and prayer corner which I think and hope will help with this. 

4. Create lesson plans for next week, I would like to get a few weeks ahead - I did this one partly but now I want to continue to get a ahead for this one, it would still be nice to get a month ahead.- I am soooo NOT a month a head -will continue this goal this week.

5. Work on some more of the Christmas shopping, I really would like to be done by the beginning of Advent. Likewise, within the the next two weeks I would like to pull out the Advent Wreath, see if we need candles and prayerfully decide with Mr. T how we as a family should enter into the season of Advent.

6. Say the Divine Mercy Chaplet with Little Might at least once a week, close to 3 o'clock! I put this on my daily schedule but still have yet to accomplish this.


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