Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Guns N Roses - The Concert

As I indicated yesterday I went to a GNR concert on Sunday night and WOW, what a concert.

That WOW eludes to a few stories that I thought I would share with you today.

First of all Axel is a GREAT performer it was an three hour concert filled with pyrotechnics, and many other elaborate visual effects including I think 7 jumbotrons. I have never been to a concert this elaborate before so it was really kind of fun.

Now Mr. Rose takes the stage for his 3 hour concert when he feels like it. The concert itself was not even scheduled to start until 9pm and that was for the cover band, Adelitas Way, I will get to them in a minute. They took the stage late at about 9:20 and played for about an hour, and than they needed to re-do the stage and needed to give us a good long wait of another hour. Are you doing the math, yep, GNR did not take the stage until after 11 and played for three hours. I think the concert ended at about 2:20 with Paradise City lots of Pyrotechnics and red confetti. So it was worth staying till the end.

While Adelitas Way was playing we had great seats, our bought seats were up on the 200's but when we were looking down on the first level of seating, they started playing and the usher asked us if we know where our seats were, we said yes up on the 2 level. He told us to go ahead and take a seat. That was enjoyable to be that close and really see everything. However the band itself had a lot to be desired. Both because of there heavy metal sound, their language, and so on. So while they were playing I opted to really not listen instead I prayed the chaplet for them, decided that they really could use as many prayers as they could get. :-(

Throughout the concert I saw things, were exposed to things that I am not exposed to on a daily basis, I live at times, a very sheltered life. Which I my more than content with. However, I do think it was good for me to be exposed to a certain extent the deprivation of humans in our society. It was a reminder that we as Christians really do need to pray for the sake of souls. Their are souls that are so lost that they don't know where to turn and the Light of Christ is but a pin miles away that they can can't see because their world is so dark.

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

In hopes on not ending on to low of a point I want to state that the highlight was probably when he played my favorite song, November Rain. Mr. T and I cuddled a bit closer and just enjoyed a wonderful piano piece. Axel is a great pianist. I can definitely say that 18-20 years ago when I was so excited to slow dance to that song during a junior high school dance. That I never in a million years thought that one day I would be sitting with my husband listening to that song be played live in concert. Likewise, when I went to a New Kids on a Block concert,  again 18-20 years ago, at the same venue the same weekend, that I would ever be back their for a Guns N Roses concert. Who would know.


St. Michael the Archangel, Pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joy

    Guns n Roses... brings back some memories for sure! At the place where I'm at in my spirituality I think I would definitely feel the way you did. Now that I have teenagers I try to remember how it used to be because I have a hard time explaining to them why I don't like some of the music they listen to... then they go 'But Mom back in your day.." ;-) I feel sorry for the youth of today.. its so much worse now! St Michael, Pray for Us..Amen!!!


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Blessings, Joy!