Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Mothers Humility


There are two virtues that I think God gives mothers and wife's the constant ability to grow in, patience and humility.

My lesson yesterday was that of humility.

Half way through a very disjointed day, I found a pattern for a shirt skirt that sounded so easy to make, I got really excited and decided that today would be a perfect day to try it, besides it was time to be productive and to get out of the house.

The first step was to find some XL mens t-shirts. So I headed to the Goodwill. The trip was fairly productive I found 3 t's for under $4. I was really excited and was thinking that this was frugality at its best, 3 skirts for under $4, can you really beat that.

Than I got home and I needed to make them, which meant shirring them. Now, I cannot sew, but that wasn't going to stop me, for the directions looked so easy.

Well, lets just say that I have now ruined one of the t's and I definitely DO NOT have a skirt that I can wear.

To top things off when I was working on my failed project Mr. T came in and showed me where Little Might had actually hurt himself in a small incident from earlier. I still feel completely humbled every time he gets hurt. Some how I think I should always be able to protect him, from every minor scrape and bruise. 

These two little incidents, would not be that big of a deal if it was not for the vision that I have of all the qualities that a wife and mother should have. From having the ability to have an immaculate house all the time, children under control, fresh bread constantly baking in the oven, and freshly laundered clothes, along with the ability to sew those clothes.

I do realize that their are only two women that could ever live up to my perfect vision, one would be the mothers and wives on TV, and only those from the 1950's, and our Blessed Mother, Mary.

The truth is that we will never be able to live up to the perfect vision of a wife and mother, and the even great truth is that we are NOT called to be perfect, we are simply called to be obedient. Obedient to the call that Christ has for each and every one of us. There is a quote from St. Therese of Lisieux that I am reminded of, "Perfection consists in doing His will, in being what He wills us to be." The wonderful thing about Christ is that He only wills us to be that what he knows we can be, that what we have the capability of becoming, with His help, His grace, His mercy.

The other truth and one that brings just as much comfort is the fact that my dear husband loves me even though Little Might got a bruise on his finger, and he does not blame me. He also loves me even though I cannot sew, and he probably knows the truth that I still refuse to believe, that I will never be able to sew. The funny fact is that when I told him about this project when he got home he said, why don't you just go buy a skirt. Yes, humility, he knew that it was going to be a disaster. Despite that my dear husband allowed me to try and even helped in the process.

Who knows, I may give up on complete frugality for the day and simply go buy a skirt, I guess we will just have to wait and see. 

So it is with the Love of Christ and the Love of my dear Mr. T that I will grow in humility.


1 comment:

  1. Okay, I feel a little bad, but I burst out laughing about the skirt thing. But, that's only because that is totally something I would do. I made one stuffed animal out of a sweater, and then we had to bound off to Goodwill and buy several sweaters because I was going to make a bunch of them. I made one more, and it was pretty bad. LOL I now have a stack of sweaters in my craft room. Augh!


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