Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Many Blessings

Greetings ~

Christ has blessed me with an amazing husband, a beautiful little boy, and with faith in Him as well as a love for the Catholic Church. In my melancholic mood yesterday though I lost track of all of these blessings, as well as the many more that Christ has given me. To put it simply I allowed misunderstandings to dwell in my heart and eat away at me. Yes, I am a total melancholic at times. By the end of the day though I was given a chance to think about the many blessings that I have been given.

I believe that I have been given both incredible life altering blessings, you know those blessings, that have changed our life completely, the ones that we should pray in thanksgiving for daily. I also believe though that I have been given many little blessings, that I need to recognize, and be thankful for. Their is a possibility that these are just little favorites in life, and those little things that I need to recognize and be thankful for, akin to simply stopping and smelling the roses.

What I would like to do though is count off 10 Blessings in my life!  Five large blessings in my life, the life altering ones, but than I am also going to name off 5 smaller blessings in my life. I would encourage you to do the same, simply because I think it is good for us to remember our blessings, and be thankful for them. I would also be delighted to hear from you though, what are the top 10 blessings in your life.
  1. Mr. T, my husband and incredible partner in life. 
  2. Little Might, my 1 year old son, who constantly has a contagious smile on his face.
  3. My faith in God and my love for the Catholic Church
  4. The ability to attend Mass and Adoration
  5. My parents
  1. The trips planned this summer with my family
  2. The many memories of love that I can recall in an instant 
  3. The flowers that bloom outside
  4. The beautiful weather and the little porch that I am sitting on as I write this
  5. The glass of red wine that I am enjoying as I write this, and the cup of coffee that I will have tomorrow morning
Thank you for reading and it was just a total joy to write this, and an amazing reminder of how much I have to be thankful for as well the fact that I need to stop and smell the roses sometimes, i.e. be thankful for the little things in life. 


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