Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Grand Portage

One of our day trips wile we were in Grand Marais was up to the border of Canada. We did not bring our documents with us so we could not actually cross the border but we really really enjoyed the sites traveling up there. We had heard that those are probably some of the best views of the whole lake from anywhere. I think I just might agree.

We did stop though at Grand Portage State Park so we could see the falls.
 It was a 1/2 mile paved trail up to the falls.

Than we went to Grand Portage National Monument and learned that Grand Portage received its name from The Grand Portage that the Indians made. I found this all very interesting and I learned a lot. I kind of wished that Little Might was old enough so he could have learned all about the portage as well.
The portage was an 8 mile treacherous journey inland from Lake Superior, Indians used to make every year before winter. The hike was pretty much up hill into the mountains, bypassing the waterfalls on the Poplar River. They would need to make this trek with there canoes and all there supplies. This was definitely a trek I would not have wanted to take.

The national monument also included a replica of an active trading post in the early 1800's.

As I was learning about this trek I gained great respect for the Indians, They were a people that needed to work hard to survive daily life, and especially the harsh winters. Nothing came easy to them back then. 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your trip up north and seeing the pictures! LIttle Might is so cute!!!


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