Friday, September 9, 2011

Frugal Friday - Diaper Wars

Unfortunately, as the title indicates, their is not any diaper wars going on, wouldn't that be nice if there was. :-) Oh well!

But, today's Fugal Friday tip is all about diapers. Which is good, seeing rumor has it that the price of diapers are supposed to go up because the price of lumber is going up, who would know. I might have to start using cloth again if that's the case. However, I have not researched this, I simply heard it on the radio the other day.

I always believed that the lowest price of diapers could be found at Target the Up and Up brand. As a friend once told me the baby does not know any different, meaning generic vs name brand. I have recently been proven wrong! Which is fine by me. My SIL, is getting into buying frugally, and found a great deal on diapers at Amazon. Now, I looked on Amazon once, and did not like the prices that I found, they were not any better than, Target. With the following method, they are.

First of all you need to become a member of Amazon Mom, which is similar to Amazon Prime, but you don't have to pay $79 per year. With Amazon Mom&though you get FREE SHIPPING, and you receive 15-30% off the items that you buy most. In addition to the 15% that you can receive on diapers, you can receive an additional 15% off if you subscribe to the Subscribe & Save deals. This is where you sign-up to have the same item sent to your house, every month, 2 months, up to 3 months. They will automatically deduct the amount from the credit card/debit card that you give them. So take a look at the comparison below, Amazon VS Target. 

LUV Ultra Leakguard Diapers, Size 3, 234 count, for only $26.59 which is 11 cents per diaper.

Up and Up Brand Diapers, Size 3, 144 count, for $20.99, which is 15 cents per diaper.

Now, I have not ordered my first box of diapers yet from Amazon. But, I will be doing so, very soon.

Till next week, Be Frugal!


1 comment:

  1. I just got my 1st order of diapers from Amazon yesterday! It was kind of exciting knowing I got a great deal on them! Here's to more frugal finds! Have a great weekend!


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