Monday, September 26, 2011

Manic Monday

Greetings and I hope you are each having a GREAT Monday!

Yes, believe it or not, I am actually getting my Manic Monday post up on Monday! :-)

Menu for the Week

Monday: It will actually be left-over night as I am teaching tonight! Which actually the left-overs are pretty good, they are from the Roast in the crock-pot last week.

Tuesday: Hamburger Rice Hotdish

Wednesday: Tuna Melts and French Fries

Thursday: Leftover Hotdish

Friday: Thanksgiving in September - I have a Turkey sitting in the freezer that I desperately want to get cleared out to make more room. So we will be hosting a few friends for dinner, and will be having our very own little Thanksgiving Dinner.

New this Week:
I am going to begin to add my To-Do-List for the week. My hope is that this will be something that I continue to include and elaborate upon each week. This will for starters just include a few of the things that I want to accomplish/start on for the week. My goal eventually is to break this down to various areas of my life.

1. Make a schedule for the week, what I am going to work on each day - Life is getting busier in a good way but I want to stay on top of things, and I do not want to have another day like last Monday, where I had to much to do because I did not schedule things/even things out throughout the week. 
2. Read one book to Little Might everyday. I need to become better at this. 

3. Decide on one book that I am going to begin reading and take time to read it everyday. I love to read, but I have realized that I am not taking time each day to read like I should.

4. Create lesson plans for next week, I would like to get a few weeks ahead.

5. Finish the My Publisher Photo-book.

I think five will do it for this week. Now we will see how I do, and I will give up-dates next Monday if not sooner.

Sts. Cosmos and Damien, Pray for Us!


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