Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Schools Back in Session

I cannot believe that we are already half way through September!

But, seeing we are that means that school is back in session, and that includes the small Home-School Co-Op that I teach for. I teach two classes Intro to World Religions and Intro to Computers. Both are DSST (similar to CLEP) classes which are college prep classes. Yes, believe it or not I am teaching college classes, including Computers, which I only, sometimes barely, know how to use my own computer. It has been fascinating though to learn more about these two subjects.

The other great benefit of school starting is that we get a bit more of a schedule and a routine back in our life. It will be great to be teaching every Tuesday. While I am teaching Little Might is in the nursery. The nursery is a great opportunity for him to be with other toddlers and to be watched by other trusted adults. He was so excited when we got in the room it was another whole world for him to explore with new toys and new adventures. He was so excited and anxious to explore that he did not even take a nap. That all means though that he was in bad sleeping a few minutes after 7pm.

I think it is going to be a good year for us all.

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