Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Manic Monday - A day late!

Wow, today is Tuesday already, I am still trying to decide where Monday went. There was just way to much to do, that the day just flow on by. I started teaching RCIA yesterday. Wow, what a great group, I am so excited and I feel so honored to be traveling with these few individuals as they discern and go through the process of becoming Catholic.

With that being said though, I will NEED to readjust all that I plan to do on Monday's each week. I usually like to clean the house after all the weekend activity, start the clothes washing for the week. Plus after starting homeschool teaching last week, I realized that I still leave a lot of my lesson prep to Mondays, plus I had lesson prep for last night. So when you combine that all together, I was asking for a disaster, and well my house shows got it.  Poor Mr. T came home just in time so I could go and teach, and I just had to look at him and apologize for the house being a TOTAL disaster, including having the dining room table piled high with books and lesson plans. So needless to say there is a note to self here, prep for Tuesday's need to be done prior to Monday's, and I need to score back on that I plan to accomplish. I think I see a schedule in the making, and possibly the sooner the better.

Let's see though we do have a MENU for the WEEK.
Tuesday: Mexican - Enchiladas and Re-fried Beans
Wednesday: Pot Roast in the Crock-pot with Potatoes and Onions
Thursday: Pasta
Friday: Tuna Melts

Hope you had a wonderful start to the week.


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