Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We Received the Eucharist

With all of our wonderful travels this summer, I have missed attending mass at the Cathedral where we are fortunate to be parishioners at, what I like about the Cathedral is the surety of an amazing homily and of the mass and the homily being CATHOLIC, in all the glory of the word.

Unfortunately, throughout the summer their has been a few times when, I needed to desperately remind myself that we were still receiving the Eucharist, when we were at mass. No matter what the homily focused on, or lack there of in my opinion, or what the songs were, even if they were written in the 70's and 80's and were part of what I like to call the Burlap and Butterfly era of our church history, and catechetical formation period, we were still receiving the Eucharist.

It is also in times like this that I try to remember to pray for the priest and for the parish. For Mr. T and I also know that our priests are constantly under attack and we NEED to lift them up in prayer. I think I will leave further discussion of this for a future blog post.

We need to remember that the priest is in Persona Christi during the Eucharist, even if it is difficult to see that, meaning that Christ, no matter the circumstance, is working beyond our understanding, through that priest, and that the bread and wine is being turned into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ. We need to remember that we are still receiving the Eucharist, and that is why we attend mass every Sunday.

May we each remember the true beauty of the Eucharist itself, and how it is the "Source and Summit" of our Catholic Church.



1 comment:

  1. Hello, Joy. I don't know if you remember me from the Cathedral. My name was T. Dow.

    I am having trouble commenting with my Google account. Do you have any idea what might be blocking me (I don't do blogs much).

    I can relate entirely to this post. When Mr.B and I got married we went to a dozen churches to find a new home for our new family. I made a chart of all of the shortcomings we found with each one. We ended up going back to where we started - Saint John's in East Saint Paul. It is wonderfully traditional. Father Welzbacher's homilies are morally sound, theologically deep, and intelligent. The other churches were sad to attend. From clapping during songs and praying for birthdays during Mass to consecrating the Host WITH congregants and not kneeling. We are sad to say, however, that our church will be combined with Saint Pascal's in a year or so.

    We had to remind ourselves all the time not to make comments, not to be negative, not to think poorly of others at these visited churches. We were still in the presence of the Lord and needed to be charitable and good examples.

    On another note, my Magdalene Rose is also teething and has eczema. We've had some rough days too, but baby tylonel works well for us.

    Just wanted to say hello!



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Blessings, Joy!